Esmeralda Blog

Open House: Find out about our Bungalows ‘Puerta del Sol’ in Calpe
Are you looking for a house in Calpe? Grupo Esmeralda invites you to an Open House on 13th and 14th of may. You will be able to find out about our Bungalows in the urbanisation “Puerta del Sol” in Calpe, some beautiful houses that you will fall in love with.
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4 Things to keep in mind when buying a house abroad in retirement
The word ‘abroad’ can refer to any location on a spinning globe outside your home country. For you, buying property abroad during retirement can be an adventurous undertaking, rekindling a desire to travel and witness the world with fresh eyes. It’s easy to daydream about living in a remote village on the far side of the earth, but realistically you have to pay attention to practicalities.
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Investment Advice: Where in the World do you Want to Own a Property?
The world offers property buyers a myriad of awe-inspiring destinations from inland mountain valleys, to picture-perfect beaches to remote desert plateaus. Coupled with the Pound’s strong buying power, the variety of climates, flora and fauna and cultural offerings of potential locations makes it hard to select which type of real estate is worth owning.
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The Ultimate Retirement Guide
While some can’t wait to experience the radical life change that comes with retirement, others remain apprehensive. For most, it means exiting the rat race and enjoying a lifestyle dictated by their desires, not their work-life demands. It’s a time to ignite forgotten pastimes, try new hobbies, rekindle old friendships and explore parts of the world on your bucket list.
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4 Investment Risks to Know When Planning a Wealth Creation Strategy
Everyone who has a paying job earns money, but not everyone knows how to transform their monthly paycheck into tangible wealth. Your wealth creation is dependent on your mindset, appetite for risk and patience barometer. In sport, there’s a cliché that goes, “no pain, no gain”. Similarly, with wealth creation, you could say, “no risks, no returns”.
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4 types of properties you should consider for your international property investment
Your budget and needs dictate the type of international property investment you make. Do you want a property that’s a rental dream, or something that ticks your personal boxes? Do you envisage your property purely as a money-making business or are you looking for something like a holiday home that serves a dual purpose? Answer these questions honestly, and you’ll know whether your investment choice should be guided by your head or heart
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Follow this advice to build the best European property market portfolio
You imagine your real estate agency as a booming enterprise that’s fast at closing leads, has worldwide appeal, a diverse client base and the potential to become a flourishing empire.
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Real Estate Industry Trends 2017: Build an International Property Portfolio
In our interconnected world, trends come and go in the blink of an eye. If you're a sharp business owner, you'll ditch novel tendencies for those with stable growth and incorporate them into your ever-evolving business strategy.
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Property Investment Tips: The Legalities
You’ve spotted an incredible foreign property online that aligns with your current financial goals, and you’d like to make a purchase. It’s a large asset that will increase your nest egg, make a wonderful holiday destination for you and your family and perhaps one day, be a place of leisurely retirement.
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Selling property in Spain through the Spanish lifestyle
When expanding your foreign property portfolio to include Spain, you will need to know how to sell the Spanish lifestyle successfully to potential buyers. You have to paint an alluring picture in the minds of your clients, presenting Spain as a once-in-a-lifetime investment that will change their lives for the better, both in terms of health and wealth.
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