Esmeralda Blog

Retreat by the sea
Retirement tips: the best investments options
Making your savings work for you can be a trying process, not to mention a confusing one. You work extremely hard for your money, and every financial advisor you speak to seems to have a different idea of where you should put your money and the options are ample!
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Do you have what it takes to buy an international property? Check out our investment advice
Buying a holiday home is an incredible experience and there are a lot of emotions that go with it. You have worked hard all these years, invested wisely, and are now in a position to own a little piece of your own paradise.
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Retirement planning advice: have you saved enough to retire?
When you start looking into what it would take to retire, one of the very first things you need to determine is whether you have actually saved enough to do so.
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Investment advice: think long term when buying a house
As far as investment advice goes, one thing that most of us hear is that we need to ensure that we diversify our investment portfolio. That means creating a portfolio with a range of investments with varying levels of risks attached to them.
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Have you thought of buying a property in Spain to relocate to in retirement?
Retirement is a time of change, and while many people find change daunting, it’s an incredibly exciting time, where you have the power to decide what you want to do and where you want to be.
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Why you should consider international property for your investment strategy
By now you have probably heard about the ample benefits of having a diversified portfolio to your name. When it comes to an investment strategy, financial advisors recommend an amalgamation of stocks, bonds, mutual funds and of course the age-old favourite, property.
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A retirement guide: are you ready to take the plunge?
Retirement is an exciting chapter of life. It’s one of newfound freedom and flexibility; a time where you can determine what it is that you would like to do and focus on, and what it is that you would like to spend your days doing.
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Where to buy a holiday home in Spain
Lifestyle buyers and investors took a big step back from property (especially the foreign market) during the recession. Prices plummeted and the market crashed – it makes sense that everyone lost their faith in real estate.
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Retreat by the sea
Top tips for investing in buy-to-let retirement property
If you’re looking for a significant investment in preparation for your retirement, then you don’t get much better than a buy-to-let retirement property. Property as an investment is one of the safest and most stable options for a guaranteed profit.
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The basics of buying apartments in Calpe
If you are someone who has been in the business for a while, buying apartments should be second nature for you. You are probably wondering why you are reading this at all. But the reality is, buying property in foreign places is almost always a whole new kettle of fish.
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