Esmeralda Blog

Why it's important to calculate the cost of retirement
Retirement is not something to dread. It’s something to look forward to. If you plan extremely well, this could be a period in your life where you make some of the dreams you have always had, come true.
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The 5 types of apartments in Calpe
The wonderful thing about buying new property is deciding what your priorities would be. Is it a deal breaker if the property doesn’t have a garden? Or a wonderful entertainment area? Will you only look at properties with two bedrooms or more?
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Basic communication skills that can take you from zero to Zorro
Expanding your business opportunities to Spain is a great idea – especially before the Spanish property market really takes off again. The thing is, having a diverse property portfolio that includes incredible properties from international shores keeps you competitive and allows you to offer customers something that could really tempt them.
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Why estate planning is necessary if you don’t plan to fail
We all know that the world works in cycles. Day turns to night, summer to winter, and the young grow old. None of us really like to think about the inevitable, but it is part of life’s wonderful cycle.
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Why you should diversify your investment strategy
If you have been in the investment game for a little while, you would have heard the people bandy around the phrases ‘diversify your investment strategy’ or ‘diversify your investment portfolio’ many a time.
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Estate agent marketing in the digital age
If you were to google ‘real estate agency’ for your area, how many search results pop up on Google? Chances are, it’s a pretty frightening number, isn’t it?
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The different types of retirement property
When it comes to retirement, there are no hard and fast rules of what to do when it comes to your living situation. You may decide to stay in the house you have always been in or been in for a while, you may need more hands on care as you grow older, or you might even want to downsize.
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Things you need to know about international property investment
These days there are many ways to invest your money. From the stock market and mutual funds and bonds to precious minerals like gold to name but a few of them, and the reality is that the list is seemingly endless.
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Top tips to promote apartments in Calpe to your prospective clients
The real estate industry is a competitive one – no new earth shattering truths there. But the reality is, that with pretty much everything you do, you need to ensure that your properties come out on top.
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The dos and don’ts of senior travel
Some people think that when you get older you have to stop travelling. But that’s not true at all. In fact, there are some major perks to travelling when you are older! Not only do you have a little more money to spend than you might have in your 20s and 30s, but you are much, much wiser and you also really appreciate the value of travel.
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