Three successful people who have realised the importance of work-life balance

22 Dec 2015
As you probably already know, recognising the importance of work-life balance and achieving it are two entirely different animals.

In an article looking at power couples who have realised the importance of work-life balance, a valuable point is made about the danger of letting this balace fall out of kilter. The article explains how “devoting more time to one than the other can cause life-changing shifts, and more often than not those shifts affect our personal relationships rather than our work ethic.” As Hillary Rodham Clinton famously said, “Don’t confuse having a career with having a life.” But how do you do it? How do you grow your career without forgetting to nurture your personal relationships? 

Inspired by a post on the secrets to mastering this elusive balance, we consider some aspirational figures who have taken their understanding of the importance of work-life balance and made it their reality.

1. Richard Branson: Heading up the Virgin Group is no small task, but Branson’s answers to maintaining a work-life balance are “flexibility, delegating work and prioritizing time for fun.” He believes that not adhering to a rigid schedule is important to upholding these beliefs. And ultimately, he realises that family is the most important thing. Branson says, “My family is the center of my life, so wherever I am in the world, when I have a few minutes, I talk to my wife and kids.

​Taking time out for family too often falls to the bottom of the pile when trying to manage the demands of work, but the consequences of taking our nearest and dearest for granted aren’t worth risking. Ultimately, it’s family and our personal relationships that see us through thick and thin. Weekends and holidays are ideal times to show your family how much you value them. For those smart about it, it’s possibly not only to recognise the importance of work-life balance, but also make savvy financial investments that are ultimately investments in your family too. If the prospect of family getaways to your own property in Calpe sounds like a promising way to make memories together, you’ll find extra comfort in the knowledge that your investment is a sound business decision too.


2. Warren Buffett: The billionaire has his fingers in many pies, but Buffett has managed to keep an eye on his health and well-being outside of work. A few years ago he decided to stay in Nebraska instead of moving to the bustle of New York, saying “You may need to do fifty things a day in New York, but I’d rather do some reading in my office and do one to two things a day and do them well.”

​Taking time out for family too often falls to the bottom of the pile when trying to manage the demands of work, but the consequences of taking our nearest and dearest for granted aren’t worth risking. Ultimately, it’s family and our personal relationships that see us through thick and thin. Weekends and holidays are ideal times to show your family how much you value them. For those smart about it, it’s possibly not only to recognise the importance of work-life balance, but also make savvy financial investments that are ultimately investments in your family too. If the prospect of family getaways to your own property in Calpe sounds like a promising way to make memories together, you’ll find extra comfort in the knowledge that your investment is a sound business decision too.


3. Sheryl Sandberg: COO of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg, faced the devastating tragedy of her husband’s death earlier in the year. Although an unimaginable loss to bear, one hopes that in time there would be some consolation in the fact that Sandberg has always made time for family. Despite heading up one of the fastest growing operations in the world, she was committed to sticking to a rule of only being in the office between nine and five-thirty every workday, before heading home for supper with her family.

​Taking time out for family too often falls to the bottom of the pile when trying to manage the demands of work, but the consequences of taking our nearest and dearest for granted aren’t worth risking. Ultimately, it’s family and our personal relationships that see us through thick and thin. Weekends and holidays are ideal times to show your family how much you value them. For those smart about it, it’s possibly not only to recognise the importance of work-life balance, but also make savvy financial investments that are ultimately investments in your family too. If the prospect of family getaways to your own property in Calpe sounds like a promising way to make memories together, you’ll find extra comfort in the knowledge that your investment is a sound business decision too.

​Taking time out for family too often falls to the bottom of the pile when trying to manage the demands of work, but the consequences of taking our nearest and dearest for granted aren’t worth risking. Ultimately, it’s family and our personal relationships that see us through thick and thin. Weekends and holidays are ideal times to show your family how much you value them. For those smart about it, it’s possibly not only to recognise the importance of work-life balance, but also make savvy financial investments that are ultimately investments in your family too. If the prospect of family getaways to your own property in Calpe sounds like a promising way to make memories together, you’ll find extra comfort in the knowledge that your investment is a sound business decision too.

To find out more about quality property in Calpe that serves as a lifestyle and financial investment, get in touch with us. We have the largest portfolio of property in the region.

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