Business meet-and-greet etiquette in Spanish culture

14 Jul 2015
Conducting business in certain countries requires extensive pre-travel research. In Japan it’s necessary to present your business card as though it were an extension of yourself – with two hands, studying the print carefully as you hand it over.

In some Middle Eastern countries women may find they’ll have to wear conservative business attire and be escorted by a male.

Spanish culture is a little different. In Latin-influenced countries from the Mediterranean to Argentina it’s not unusual for woman to don bold colours and confidently take the reins in the boardroom.  Spain is generally liberal and open-minded, however, there are still certain customs worth bearing in mind to keep you living la vida local.

Introductions and greetings

On introduction shaking hands is the norm, but once a relationship is established men may embrace and pat each other’s shoulders and once females become friends they’ll kiss each other on both cheeks (start with the left to avoid an unintentional snog). In formal settings people may refer to each other as Don or Dona and their first name.


Building relationships

  • In Spanish culture a person’s character is key, which is why building relationships is essential.  According to Forbes, unlike the U.S where time is money so deals are secured swiftly, in most countries business contracts are based on trust that may take time to establish. Similarly the Spanish prefer to do business with people they trust, trust is seen as a cornerstone of business

  • Professional business people in Spanish culture are likely to review every detail to make certain it is understood

  • Spaniards expect both sides to strictly adhere to the terms of a contract


Meeting etiquette

  • Appointments must be made and punctual arrival is generally expected

  • Agendas are often used but not necessarily strictly adhered to

  • Although not all business people speak English, professional companies like Grupo Esmeralada are geared to communicate with an English market. In more cosmopolitan regions such as Calpe you’re likely to conduct business relations smoothly

Dining etiquette in Spain

Dining etiquette

  • In Spanish culture when invited to someone’s home it’s customary to bring a small gift like chocolates, wine or flowers

  • If joining your host for dinner remain standing until invited to sit and avoid eating until the hostess begins

  • The host is likely to give the first toast and the honoured guest should return the toast later in the meal

  • Lunch is around two p.m. and dinner closer to 10 p.m

  • A dirty floor in a bar is completely normal and often a sign of festive establishment


Leisure norms

  • In Spanish culture good food is important and a common topic of conversation

  • Football is the national sport and fervently supported by many

  • Don’t bother arriving to a party before midnight, parties can begin as late as two a.m.

  • Typical to the laidback lifestyle, in Spanish culture siestas and holidays are greatly revered. Get on board and enjoy the heightened quality of life


Finding reliable Spanish professionals

  • Your business experience in Spain is likely to run smoothly when working with professionals. If you’re interested in apartments in Calpe conducting a real estate deal with a Spanish partner that provides care from start-to-finish will ensure hassle-free transactions

  • Seek companies with efficient follow-up processes. Grupo Esmeralda offers 24 hour reception service so client’s needs are taken care of at all hours of the day

  • The company’s rental agency handles tenancy requirements without fuss.


Looking to speak to a professional about apartments in Calpe? Contact Grupo Esmeralda, local real estate experts with the largest product portfolio in the region.

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