Estate agent websites to inspire

25 Feb 2016
Your website acts as your first port of call for clients, and we all know that first impressions count — especially when it comes to estate agent websites.

With approximately three billion people online, you shouldn’t be asking yourself whether you can afford a phenomenal website, but whether you can afford not to have one. In this highly competitive industry, you need to make sure you stand out and more than that, you need to establish a sense of trust with your clients. So, your clients’ wonderful homes are going to need to start with a great homepage. We have taken the ideas from these five website trends to show you how to create a real estate website that will keep you relevant in 2016, will ‘wow’ your clients and ensure that you stand out from your competitors:


Know the basics

In order for you to know how to create the best estate agent website, you need to have a solid foundation. This website gives some valuble information, and provides a good starting point for creating your website. Some tips include having high-quality copy, images and videos that need to be original and of an exceptional standard. Also suggested is that you know what your competitors are doing so you can not only do something different but better. Be sure to have ample listings and ensure that you have your sales information available. Last but not least, use the tools that are available in order to make your website exciting and attention-grabbing.

 Estate agent websites to inspire


Make use of animations

According to the Agent Image article, in the future there will be a move towards an increase in rich animations on real estate websites — “There are several techniques for adding rich animations to website design. Some sites go big creating an all animated experience, while others like the Jenna D’Amico website utilize rich animation on a much smaller scale.”


Utilize the scroll

In this day and age, your website should be optimized for mobile but another way to make things easier for mobile use is the ‘long scroll’. This has become a popular tool used to minimise the number of pages a viewer has to click through and instead allows you to have all the pages in one. That way people can scroll down all the way down instead of change pages. The example listed in the article is incredible Remax Superior website  — “The status bar stays visible along the header no matter how far down the page you scroll giving users a complete view of all that the website has to offer from one page.”

Keep things minimal

Keeping things minimalistic does not mean dull and boring. Stunning images and easy-to-navigate minimalistic pages are all the rage and the result is often absolutely beautiful. Take for example the Madorin Group website which eliminates any uncessesary features and allows for a stunning and streamlined experience. “In 2016 you can expect the material design to gain steam on the popular minimalism and flat website designs. This style uses font effects to create depth and adds richness to the simplistic minimalism design.”

Estate agent websites to inspire


Use the parallax scroll

“When it comes to trends that made their mark in 2015 that will continue long into the next year, parallax effects are at the top of the list. Notice how on the Gary Finkelstein website the parallax scroll effect is used to create angles and patterns that induce users to continue scrolling down the page.” Use parallax scroll to add a layer of depth in 2D websites, or use it to guide the viewer's eyes down to the listings as the incredible example website does.


Embrace colour

The use of colour in websites is evolving. According to the article “For years the trend has been to tone down loud colours but that tide is turning. Advances in high definition on websites and an overall better and faster internet are giving website designers more freedom to experiment with vibrant colours.” The dynamic 4 Houses Realty  showcases how to use colour effectively. There is a big move towards making the most of visual elements but no one wants to use a website that looks like a rainbow exploded on it. Choose colours carefully and create a scheme that flows beautifully into each element.


For more website inspiration, have a look at this site. Try think of ways of doing things differently to differentiate yourself from your competitors. For example, instead of run-of-the-mill videos, you could incorporate virtual reality videos onto your website which will be more immersive and impressive. Ultimately, see what works and have fun with it.


If you are looking for some incredible properties that will ensure the listings section of your website is extraordinary, look no further than property in Calpe. Contact us for expert industry advice and an extensive portfolio of the most beautiful properties in Calpe.

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