Esmeralda Blog

Searching for meaning in life after retirement
For some, retirement can be an overwhelming prospect. Some people see it as something that is forced on them at the age of 65, others see it as the time to explore new dreams and ideas, do the things they have always wanted to do, travel or find a new sense of purpose and meaning.
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Why YOU will love the Spanish Lifestyle
Spain is an extraordinary, magnificent, diverse and vibrant country. It is after all, the third most popular country in the world, after France and America.
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Villas in Calpe fit for your golden years
You have spent a large portion of your life working hard, saving what you can and enjoying your limited holidays, with very little time to really relax.
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Property in Calpe: what you need to know
The property market has seen some serious ups and downs in recent years but 2015 saw progress in terms of recovery and it looks like in 2016, the good news continues.
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Holiday homes in Spain your kids will love
My family prioritised two things: travel and education and if you think about it, they actually go hand in hand.
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Real estate market news: the trend forecast for 2016
A real estate agent’s job is not quite so simple as acquiring a diverse portfolio of properties, finding interested parties with enough money to purchase, and making a sale.
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Richard Branson's tips for wealth creation
We all know who Richard Branson is. In fact, having achieved celebrity status through his successes alone — it would be hard not to know him. We may look at him on his island with his Virgin Group and assume that he had things easy in life, that things were given to him or that he was just lucky.
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Income in retirement: why foreign property is the top investment option
Retirement — an exciting new chapter of life. After years of working hard and saving diligently, you are finally afforded the time and opportunity to enjoy the fruits of your labour.
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Villas in Calpe fit for a rockstar
Let’s be honest, at some point we have all wanted to be a rockstar, even if just for a day.
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Holiday home marketing: how the pros get it right
Holiday homes are incredible investments for your family.
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