Esmeralda Blog

All about Spain: Top festivals
The Spanish are famous for many things — glorious fresh Mediterranean food, football, incredible art, architecture, siestas and, of course, their unique and exciting fiestas, which pretty much take place year-round.
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Estate agent marketing innovations to watch
The world is increasingly focusing on companies making waves, changing things up and finding or creating different ways to market themselves. And with the changing and already competitive landscape that is estate agent marketing, keeping up with (or better, coming up with) the industry’s marketing innovations is essential.
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Showcase: Property for sale in Calpe designed for your golden years
Is Calpe on your list of potential retirement locations? Perhaps places like the French Riviera, Thailand or South Africa are higher up. While Saint-Tropez, the tropical climate of Thailand or Table Mountain are nothing to turn your nose up at, property for sale in Calpe offers some of its own delights that could make the golden years of your life better than you could imagine.
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The Growing Importance of Work Life Balance Today
In this day and age we find ourselves surrounded by technological evolutions every step of the way, and this has impacted our connectivity patterns – in both good and bad ways. We can now send videos and messages to keep in touch with our friends and family at any time of the day, no matter where they are.
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Building a property portfolio in Europe
Most people know that investing in property is one of the smartest investments you can make. Acquiring property and building a property portfolio is a long-term investment that can generate a reliable source of income. Building a property portfolio is no easy feat, especially when you don’t know where to start.
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How to better supplement your income in retirement
There is a common misconception about retirement: that retirement is the ‘end’. That when people reach retirement they are no longer needed, useful or able to do anything. What is amusing about this is how many people actually think this (predominantly those about to retire!) and how far removed it is from the truth.
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What to consider when buying villas in Calpe
Purchasing a new house is not exactly something that you decide to do overnight. It’s a momentous decision that costs a chunk of money, so not exactly something that one should rush into.
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Spanish business etiquette: No hablo español
Conducting business at the best of times can be challenging — let alone trying to do so with people who don’t speak the same language as you. In our blog post titled ‘Business Culture in Spain: What you need to know’, we outlined certain Spanish business etiquette rules you need to know, so now we are going to give you some insight on what to say.
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Leave a legacy with retirement investing
Have you ever thought about the legacy you’re leaving behind? Secretly, we all have a desire to be remembered for what we’ve contributed to the world. Wikipedia defines legacy as ‘something that is handed down from one period of time to another period of time’.
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Innovation in the real estate market
‘Innovation’ is no longer a buzzword in the real estate market, it’s the norm. The real estate industry went from a slow market, not eager to change, to one that is constantly evolving and experiencing new changes and findings.
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