Why YOU will love the Spanish Lifestyle

14 Apr 2016
Spain is an extraordinary, magnificent, diverse and vibrant country. It is after all, the third most popular country in the world, after France and America.

It’s not only the ideal place for a holiday home for the family, but even a place to live, where you can truly immerse yourself in the incredible Spanish lifestyle, which is arguably, healthier than most western lifestyles. They somehow just seem to find the balance between having a great time and relaxing.

Spain is by far one of the best places to live, or at least visit frequently, and here are some reasons why you will love the Spanish lifestyle based on this article:


The phenomenal people

While this is of course a generalisation, and there is no such thing as a ‘typical’ Spaniard, the Spanish people tend to be warm, energetic and vivacious. They are not only charming, but extremely welcoming and friendly people. One very special thing about the Spanish people, is that they tend to be very family-oriented and don’t need much convincing to enjoy some time, preferably over a good meal, socialising with friends and family — a very big part of the Spanish lifestyle.


The expressive language

The incredibly expressive Spanish language stems largely from Latin, with some Arab influence. It is one of the top two most spoken languages in the world as a first language, preceded only by Mandarin. According to the article, it’s also the second most studied language in the world (after English), and it’s spoken by approximately 500 million people. As you settle into the Spanish lifestyle, consider taking a few classes and trying it out with some of the locals, they will love you for it (and you may give them a good chuckle)!

The wonderful climate

Spain boasts one of the best climates around and it is loosely referred to as a ‘Mediterranean climate’. While this essentially means warm summers and mild winters, the reality is that the weather can vary, sometimes drastically, from north to south.

The north experiences very cold winters and often snow, the more central cities very dry and hot summers and the weather along the coast tends to be the best. For those wanting milder weather, the shoulder months (spring and autumn) tend to have pleasant weather. For those seeking the sun, you will be happy to know that there are parts of Spain that see over 300 days of sun a year, which is also why they tend to spend a lot of time outdoors, going to restaurants, cafes and generally just enjoying their climate. In fact, this applies even when the weather is bad.


The regional diversity

Each region of Spain presents some sort of diversity: whether it’s in the language, the scenery, the weather, the food or the traditions. Everywhere you go in Spain will offer something unique and different, which means that travelling through the country is always exciting, and has something for every season and every personality.


The incredible food

One of the best parts of the Spanish lifestyle is undoubtedly, their food. When you think of Spanish food, you may conjure up images of seafood paellas, tapas and sangria, but this is far from all that they offer. Their Mediterranean diet is considered to be one of the healthier diets in the world, with olive oil, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, and wonderful, aromatic spices being the main ingredients for most of their dishes. Try the regional specialities wherever you are, but try some famous dishes such as: tortilla española, pisto, gazpacho, jamón, patatas bravas, to name a few and be sure to indulge in some decidedly less healthy churros con chocolate.


The interesting culture

Another incredible thing about the Spanish lifestyle is its culture. Spain has an eclectic past having seen rule by the Moors, Romans, French and Barbarians, the influence of which can be seen in aspects of the language, the architecture and the food. Another aspect of the culture that is unusual, and can be somewhat confusing, is things just happen later in Spain. The average work day tends to start around 10am, lunch is well past 2pm and dinner can be as late as 10pm. While siestas — taking naps during the day — are common, there are always exceptions to the rule and you will find some stores open around those times (usually 2pm-4pm).


If you think you would fit in extremely well with the Spanish lifestyle and are eager to find the perfect home away from home for you and your family, then contact us. Our extensive portfolio of properties for sale in Costa Blanca is bound to have the ideal property for you, where you can indulge in the Spanish lifestyle, in the sunshine overlooking the sea, whenever you please.

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