Senior travel & holidays abroad

8 Oct 2015
Whether you’re embracing the quirks of growing older or refuse to accept the fact that your young sprightly spirit inhabits a body not quite as agile as it used to be, the reality remains that seniorhood lies ahead, but with it, comes the freedom to live the way that you want (or rather, the way that you plan for).

With a necessary nod towards financial considerations, we round up some extraordinary senior travel and retirement ideas to breathe fresh life into the possibilities of the future.  


Fit your plans to your budget

Of course, plans for your retirement adventures should be tailormade to suit your finances. You’ll need to decide on your travel adventures while keeping an eye on the long-term cost of living. This naturally requires making certain projections. If you’re open to the possibility of retiring abroad remember that this could allow you to take advantage of lower costs of living (while enjoying the numerous other benefits of life in the sunshine).

 Senior travel & holidays abroad

Should you stop working entirely?

Although you don’t really want to be going into an office every day, the digital world has made working remotely a natural solution for people who value their time and freedom but enjoy the stimulation, contribution and rewards of work. In the opinion of a number of retirement experts, cutting out work completely might not be the way to go. To their minds a fulfilling retirement is made up of a combination of purposeful work and investment projects, ample travel and a good dose of family time. We look at a few senior travel options to weave into your increasingly laid-back lifestyle.


World-spinning senior travel options

  • Safari through Africa’s wild and breathtakingly beautiful terrain

Although parts of the continent are tricky to navigate alone (regardless of one’s age), countries throughout Africa boast territories ripe for exploring, whether you’re seeking hives of cultural activity and bustling marketplaces, or the tranquility of the bush. In many cases travelling through Africa is most wisely embarked upon through a reputable tour operator, some of which cater specifically for senior travel.


  • Take a road trip through the States

Hit the diners strung through the mid-western belt on a North American cross-country drive or opt for the classic route along the cool west coast, from hip Portland all the way down to gorgeous San Diego.


  • Follow your heart all the way through Europe

It’s the home of the romance languages, champagne, gelato, chorizo and siestas. It’s a treasure chest of art, architecture and history, and the place we go to remember how to be in a body blissed out on life’s greatest pleasures. Although packaged tours are a dime a dozen, why not consider taking your time and exploring this culturally rich continent. With no need to rush back to work stay a few months in the countryside of Italy, France or Spain. Finally learn the language you’ve been meaning to. Invest in one of the gorgeous beachside apartments in Calpe to make the Mediterranean your part-time home.

Senior travel & holidays abroad

For those interested in the laid-back life of the Costa Blanca where days are filled with moseying through the quaint old town, visits to the fish auction, walks on the beach and Valencian cocktails on the deck, Calpe is worth a look. For more information about the valuable investment opportunities along the coast, contact Grupo Esmeralda.  Boasting the largest portfolio of quality apartments in Calpe, Grupo Esmeralda are leaders in the Costa Blanca real estate market.

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